There is hope and you can help create the healthiest healthcare workforce
Sharp Index Committees
Advocacy Committee
The Advocacy Committee provides leadership and support to the Board of Directors as well as support for education about national, state and local healthcare mental health laws and regulations.
Communications Committee
Responsible for Outreach and communications development to improve healthcare mental health. Works with the Programs Committee to ensure success and availability of educational materials.
Data Science and Technology Leadership Committee
Responsible for developing and evaluating best practices for data science and healthcare mental health including EHR, Publicly available data sets, the Index, internal and external data science, and public sentiment analysis.
Grant Committee
Responsible for Grant funding initiatives
Lived Experience and Suicide Prevention Committee
Suicide loss survivors and attempt survivors
Partnership Committee
Responsible for strategic partnerships to advance healthcare mental health
Patient Committee
Patient leader developing the relationship between physician and healthcare worker wellbeing and patient interests.
Physician Committee
Provide ongoing insight and guidance about physician current events, curriculum, and education support for physicians.
Programs Committee
The Programs Committee is responsible for providing interesting and informative educational programs and an annual conference Sharp Index. Additionally, the Committee coordinates all corporate partnerships in support education and programming.
Research Committee
Responsible for direction, recruitment and funding for healthcare mental health.
Student Outreach Committee
Student leader in mental health. Responsible for conducting one fundraiser a year to fund the yearly scholarship, as well as development relationships and partnerships with educational institutions.
Board Member at Large
Provide representation on the board to represent the interests of healthcare mental health and safety assuming duties and needs of the nonprofit throughout the term. Provide support and guidance to any/all board members, committees, and liaison’s as needed.