We’re listening.

The tools and technology that healthcare workers use can ease or exacerbate issues in well-being and burnout. We are fortunate to partner with Epic’s Physician Burnout Team for several speaking events and to learn about how to improve experience. What do they welcome? Customer feedback. What do people identify as a driver of burnout? Their EHR.

If you have feedback on your EMR experience, please share it and we will pass it along. We may also use your feedback to improve our programming in the months to come. We want to understand how to give more meaningful feedback, and what can be done.

If you indicate you would like a reply, we will follow up with you directly. Otherwise, your insights are anonymous. (Please note- we understand that many CMIOs are not allowed to talk openly about their work and your name will not ever be shared.) The data that you shared will not be given straight to any EMR vendor and is part of SHARP INDEX ongoing advocacy and research. We also understand that many physicians would like to give feedback and be heard, if you would like us to pass your feedback to an EMR please indicate that.

*The Epic team welcomes comments from current customers and users. We submit any comments which include contact information so they can verify. Please remember to include that information in your message or include your user email.

Physicians contact tips <at> epic . com

Nurses contact

Our EHR Toolkit is also a great tool for those who want to get involved in improving their experience.

The best feedback is.

  • Specific to your electronic health record and includes information, like “I need to click through the answers about patient background with each visit even if they are an established patient. I wish___.”

  • Includes information about what you do in healthcare.

  • Sending positive feedback, like “I like that my inbox messages do not send an alert when they are automated” is also important.

  • One idea? Say what you would LOVE to see.
