Health Equity Consortium.
Health Equity is a foundational part of improving clinician mental health. Improving culture starts with recruitment, technology, and medical education. The Sharp Index Health Equity Consortium meets monthly to educate, mentor, discuss, and do the work of improving health equity. We are a group including medical schools, individuals, patients, physicians, government, technology, and other individuals who invest time and money into improving health equity. We also have a yearly scholarship for students, researchers and prospective students interested in improving clinician mental health and health equity.
“Accelerating equitable access to care is a critical mission that every organization should rally behind. At Nuance, that means empowering healthcare providers with AI-powered solutions and intelligent engagement technology to ensure as many people as possible can leverage modern, convenient, and secure healthcare services through automated, personalized interactions across voice and digital channels, to ease care management, boost patient satisfaction, and achieve better outcomes.”
Diana Nole, Nuance Executive Vice President ad General Manager, Healthcare Division
Ways you can help:

Health Equity and the American Disabilities Act.
Barriers to medical education include lack of financial support, discrimination, and in some cases, licensure requirements that violate the American Disabilities Act. We are dedicated to removing mental health history questions from each state licensure exam. We are dedicated to medical education reform.
Is your organization dedicated to improving health equity in medicine? We would love to partner with you. Corporate sponsors pledge to improve health equity. Technologies that improve mental health for all clinicians can overcome barriers.
Medical schools can take the pledge to improve health equity through recruiting minoritized groups and participating in research. Medical schools should be dedicated to improving patient care and disparate outcomes, through their curriculum.
It takes a community to succeed. Become the community of a future physician.
We partner with healthcare leaders who want to be involved with students and support those who would not otherwise be able to be leaders in healthcare.
We want to raise your voice about health equity. What are the barriers you have experienced and what needs to be done to overcome them?
Health Systems can join as healthcare consortium members and voluntarily pledge to improve health equity and mental health access for all employees.
We want to ensure equitable representation at healthcare events and leadership. Physician voices about health equity are necessary.
The Sharp Index does not participate directly in lobbying or political work. If you are a nonprofit who is actively involved in mental health and healthcare legislation designed to improve health equity, please join to share your voice.
Donors and Partners
Nuance Communications is a leader in technology designed to improve clinician’s day to day work.
HealthIMPACT Live has partnered with Sharp Index to elevate Physician Voices and Health Equity.
Donor Circle: Donations of 5,000.00 or more:
Health Equity Partners: Donations of 25,000 or more: