2024 Sharp Index Awards
Celebrate the good news. Projects that have helped, individuals that have made a difference, and systems that take the health of their physicians seriously should be celebrated. When we recognize excellence in physician health, healthcare systems will naturally strive for excellence. We celebrate the work of dedicated individuals and communities to save lives and make healthcare the healthiest place to work. Each year over 100 judges who are patients, decision makers, psychiatrists, past winners, experts, suicidologists, nurses, founders, and physicians help select and share the good news of healthy healthcare. Join us in NYC June 12-14 and year-round to elevate those who advocate for healthcare worker mental health.
Share The Good News in Healthcare Mental Health
Nominate a Leader
There are countless ways to improve healthcare mental health. Recognize leaders in advocacy, healthcare technology, healthy health systems, nursing, physician leadership, research, health equity, and more.
Become an Awards Champion
Join as a 2024 champion and help select the best leaders in mental health Judge. Fundraise. Advocate. Amplify.
Awards Foundation Partner
Healthcare can be the healthiest place to work. Technology can lead the way. Healthcare delivery systems can lead the way. Individuals can lead the way. The Awards foundation includes leaders dedicated to collaboration and healing.
Awards Supporter
Support the 2024 Awards Ceremony in NYC June 12-13 in person or virtually. Perfect for technology leaders, health foundations, and individual leaders.
Join the 2024 Awards in NYC
Sponsor a table in honor of someone who has done great work in mental health. Legacy and memorial recognition available.
Memorial Donation
Recognize a Lost Colleague, Loved One, and Leader.