If I Betray These Words”

Wendy Dean, MD is a physician leader and revolutionary for mental health. Her questions about the price of the healthcare system are critical for physicians, leaders, and those entering medicine. Dean pioneered research and conversations about “Moral Injury in Healthcare” where physicians are caught between the Hippocratic Oath and a system ill designed to provide patient care. This book will make you cry. It raises important questions about the ethics or corporate medicine. Doctors face risks when standing up for patients. They face what can be an impossible workload.

This book is a critical read with stories about the real risks doctors face when working to get what patients need. Wendy Dean is a Sharp Index Award Winner (she has also won many other awards) for her work to create a healthy healthcare system. She brings passion and intelligence to her work. She is the founder of “Moral Injury in Medicine,” celebrated speaker and activist, and strategist for healthcare reform.

Wendy Dean, MD will join us as part of the Authors Series’ book club September 12, 2024. Register to attend. These are community events and feature important authors in mental health. Come learn about their work. ask questions and bring your thoughts about Moral Injury and healthcare.

Sharp Index is sending a copy of this critical book to all donors in September, 2024.

Want to get updates about book club or donate on an ongoing basis? Sign up for book club today.


If I Betray These Words Book Club - Student Pharmacist Perspective


Welcome Megan Park, PharmD, MBA, DPLA