Creating Change Through Creativity

The 2024 Ending Clinician Burnout Summit is August 14, 2024.

"If you were to visit a physician today, they might ask you if you are well. But if you were to turn that question around and ask them, half of your physicians are NOT OK." -Janae Sharp

The 2024 Medscape Physician Burnout and Depression report shows that around of half of physicians report burnout. Emergency medicine physicians report rates up to 63%. Bureaucratic tasks top the list of tasks creating frustration. This goes beyond reporting work, a 2022 study, "Revisiting the Time Needed to Provide Adult Primary Care", shows that primary care physicians need 26.7 hours in a day to complete the required tasks for patient care.

There are only 24 hours in a day.

Since humans are performing these tasks, the sheer time required creates an impossible task. Electronic health records have created more administrative work without schedules accounting for increased work, and physicians are carrying the difference. The work is impossible. Personal and systemic changes are necessary to make healthcare tenable. The Ending Clinician Burnout Global Community annual Global Burnout Summit will take place August 14, 2024 from 10 AM- 4 PM EST and address solutions from system level change to individual support. You can donate and register here and join leaders in wellbeing virtually.

Creativity has personal mental health benefits. Research shows evidence of the effectiveness of creativity in combatting depression and healing. Creating may protect the mind and enhance cognitive function. Janae Sharp will join Ayman Mukerji Househam, Jeremy Rosario Maldonado and Justin Kovarsy to discuss the power of creativity. The founder of Jivika: Microhabits to reduce burnout , Ayman Mukerji Househam will share real life practices to internalize mindfulness practices. The stress is expected, training your body is required. Jeremy and Justin will share their work with THE DISPOSABLES, a tribute to those lost to suicide and fuel for meaningful change. This art was created from waste materials from hospitals. Are physician lives the cost of doing business in healthcare? Janae Sharp will join as moderator to discuss the importance of recognition and creating hope from loss and the Sharp Index Awards. In the midst of loss, there is hope.

This event was founded by Jonathan Fisher, MD, FACC and Kelcey T., M.Ed., leaders in mental health change. Dr. Fisher is also an author, with his book "Just One Heart, a Cardiologists Guide to Healing, Health, and Happiness." He will join our book club August 23, 2024 virtually and in Charlotte, NC. Make sure to get a copy of his book!

“Why am I passionate about this? I suffered silently from burnout for over a decade before beginning my journey to recovery and, eventually, leadership. I've witnessed far too many of my colleagues suffering and hopeless. I'm dedicated to helping others heal and thrive and helping leaders and organizations rethink their approach.” Dr. Jonathan Fisher



Opening and Closing Remarks by Ending Clinician Burnout co-founders Dr. Jonathan Fisher & Kelcey T., M.Ed.

Keynotes by Robert Pearl, M.D. J. Corey Feist, JD, MBA Thom Mayer, MD Heather Fitzgerald - Fireside Chat with Tina Shah MD MPH , Chief Clinical Officer of Abridge, and Jonathan Fisher, MD, FACC. - Panel Discussion on Clinician/Physician Suicide Awareness & Prevention featuring FCB Health New York | An IPG Health Company, Jeremy Rosario Maldonado, Justin Kovarsy, Ayman Mukerji Househam, and Janae Sharp.

Over $10,000 raised from past ECB events have been donated to Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes' Foundation, Medicine Forward, and other purpose-driven organizations leading the change. Let’s create a brighter future together. Please be part of this transformative event!

Here is more information about this important event:

Ending Clinician Burnout Global Summit

We are making burnout history. August 14th Virtual One Day Event • Don’t miss the world’s first global organization dedicated to ending burnout. Let’s heal the healers. Before it’s too late. Another global pandemic threatens the future of our healthcare system. Before COVID rates of burnout among clinicians was approaching 50%. Rates are continuing to rise, along with associated rising rates of anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, and suicide among doctors. Suicide rates among doctors are twice the rate of the general population.

For each doctor who begins to disengage from work, suffers the emotional toll of work on the front lines, or experiences ongoing moral injury countless nurses, team members, patients, and families are negatively impacted. Patient safety, care quality, and outcomes are all affected by clinician burnout driving up the cost of care. This virtual event was born out of our growing communities who are committed to preventing burnout which has taken far too many lives.

This is a bespoke event following the massive success of the 2021 three-day summit and subsequent virtual mini events that have taken place designed to meet the needs of clinicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals who are ready to work in an environment of joy and meaning in pursuit of their calling, and also the needs of healthcare leaders — CEOs, CMOs, CHROs, Chief Wellness Officers, managers — working to reimagine a culture of care that nurtures the holistic well-being of all team members as the first necessary step to ensuring sustainable high-quality care for their communities.

Based on over 1,000 global healthcare leaders and providers who attended the 2021 summit, 700 leaders who attended the 2020 mini event and over 800 who have attended our event in 2022, we expect over 1,500 plus registrants from around the world for this one-day virtual event. Attendees will come away with practical solutions, best practices, and best-in-class resources that can be implemented and iterated to accelerate the change our systems of care desperately need. The future of health care will require individual, cultural, and systemic transformation and unified committed action.

We all know the WHY of healthcare burnout. We are working on the HOW to prevent it.

We are all in. Are you up for the challenge? Ending Clinician Burnout Global Community (

The Ending Clinician Burnout 2024 Virtual Event is August 14, 2024. Register Today.


Welcome Megan Park, PharmD, MBA, DPLA


Book Review: Microskills: Small Actions, Big Impact by Dr. Adaira Landry and Dr. Resa E. Lewiss