Media Leadership
Want to control the world? Control the story. We looked at the way mental health stigma remained and how healthcare was not open to change and realized, if enough people knew how unhealthy healthcare was, they would listen. Empowered press is a cornerstone of healthy mental health. Depictions of mental health and physicians are evolving. This category is for exemplary journalism and writing with impact. Past winners include Jan Hoffman, for her pioneering work covering behavioral health.
Emily Silverman, MD and The Nocturnists are the 2022 winner of the Sharp Index Media Leadership award. Shame in Medicine: The Lost Forest is a 10-part documentary podcast series produced by The Nocturnists in collaboration with the Shame and Medicine project at the University of Exeter. Drawing on the stories of over 200 healthcare workers across the United States, the United Kingdom, and beyond, this series explores how shame manifests in medical culture.
Michael Dowling is one of healthcare’s most influential voices, taking a stand on societal issues such as gun violence and immigration that many health system CEOs shy away from. In addition to leading Northwell Health, Dowling has published multiple books and writes regularly about healthcare on his website and social media.
Wendy Dean, MD founded the movement to look at physician and healthcare worker burnout as a system issue, of moral injury. Moral Injury of Healthcare, LLC was founded with Simon Talbot, MD, to address the distress that occurs when clinicians are repeatedly expected to make choices that transgress their deeply held commitment to healing. Moral injury locates the source of distress not in individual frailty, but in a conflict-ridden healthcare system. Dean has a book publishing in April of 2023.