Healthcare Analytics Summit #HAS24 Health Catalyst Charity Partner

Last week I joined the main stage of my favorite healthcare event to share my story about physician and healthcare mental health. As I reflect on the incredible journey of the Health Catalyst Healthcare Analytics Summit (#HAS24), I express my deepest gratitude for the opportunity to be part of such a momentous gathering as the first annual charity partner. It is seriously one of the best events in healthcare. They have real insights from people doing great work.

There is more relevant and helpful content during the first night of the Healthcare Analytics Summit than most major conferences have during a week.  

If you are involved in data based decision making, you should attend. We were in the app! I was able to share my story and invite the audience to donate and join us as volunteers. I always want to share the honest hardship of mental health- there are a lot of people who are struggling. Things are hard right now. Your physician asks you how you are during appointments. If you were to turn that question around, physicians are not ok. Healthcare professionals are struggling. That honesty can be heavy.

I am honored to share our legacy of hope built after loss. The connections each of us build can save lives.

This was the tenth annual healthcare analytics event hosted at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City. It brought together leaders from the realms of healthcare and data science, fostering an environment of innovation, collaboration, and shared commitment to improving the lives of those who dedicate themselves to caring for others. The Sharp Index participation in HAS24 allowed us to connect with these remarkable individuals and organizations, sharing our mission and learning from their experiences. It was an enlightening experience that underscored the importance of our work and the potential for positive change through collective effort. I was able to share some of our work to create a legacy for healthcare mental health.

Have you been impacted by physician suicide? Did you feel happy with the way your loss was handled?

Many people face stigma and have a difficult time discussing suicide loss. One of the most rewarding things since starting Sharp Index in 2018 was having a scholarship winner say they were lucky to have the community and made the difficult decision to get mental health support. We want to ensure that no patients lose their physicians, no children lose parents, and no professionals lose their colleagues. We are all connected. 

Our involvement in HAS24 was more than just an opportunity to spread awareness about our cause; it was a chance to engage in meaningful conversations about the challenges facing healthcare professionals today. The discussions we had and the stories we heard have further fueled our dedication to our mission of reducing suicide and burnout among healthcare workers. It was truly inspiring to see the level of interest and support from leaders in healthcare and data science, many of whom expressed a strong desire to be part of the solution. This level of engagement is a testament to the compassionate and proactive community that HAS24 has nurtured over the years. 

One of the most exciting outcomes of our participation in HAS24 is the opportunity to enhance our scholarship program through the generosity of attendees and sponsors. These donations will be channeled directly into scholarships for Sharp Index, a nonprofit organization committed to suicide prevention and burnout reduction among healthcare professionals. Through these scholarships, we aim to provide the necessary resources and support for those who are facing significant challenges in their personal and professional lives. It is our belief that by investing in the wellbeing of healthcare workers, we can create a ripple effect that benefits the entire healthcare ecosystem. We have been honored to work with volunteers who are experts in mental health, quality, and analytics. These are the leaders who reduce documentation burden, who make compelling data backed arguments for supporting mental health, who donate time and effort to do the right thing. These are my favorite people. You can join the committee here.  

As we look forward to building on the momentum generated by HAS24, we extend a heartfelt invitation to join us in this vital cause. Your support, whether through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading the word, can make a significant difference in the lives of healthcare professionals struggling with burnout and mental health challenges. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us move closer to a world where those who care for us can do so without sacrificing their own wellbeing. 

I cannot express what an honor it was to join Nobel Laureates, leaders, inventors, and creators on the stage. I want to express my sincerest thanks to the volunteers, donors, organizers, participants, and supporters of HAS24. Your commitment to innovation, collaboration, and compassion is truly inspiring. Together, we can continue to make strides toward a healthier, more resilient healthcare community. Thank you for standing with us, for sharing our vision, and for contributing to a future where every healthcare professional has the support and resources they need to thrive. 

-Janae Sharp


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Sharp Index Now Accepts Crypto Donations with GIVEPACT!